Here's a quick rundown of different features and what they do. The revamped tab comes with a number of new, unique features. The old Clan tab has now become the social tab, home to Clan Chat and other things related to Clan Wars. If you've gotten a nudge in Clash Royale, but aren't sure what it means, you probably need to check in on your Clan Wars tasks.
Collection Day card unlocks are capped at 40, meaning there will be a maximum of 40 cards your clan can unlock. If you leave your clan during a Clan Wars, you'll still actually be in the war. Your clan will go into War Day with a minimum of eight cards in its collection. Losing battles appear to net 50 percent of the cards you'll get in winning battles. Every attack wins your clan some cards, though winning attacks net more. Here are a few additional tips regarding Clan Wars Collection Day This means clan members should make a good effort to win as many of their attacks as they can.
Even if your cards are leveled to the max in your personal collection, Clan Wars will take the lowest card level - either from Collection Day or personal collection stat - and use that as the card level going into War Day. The Win/Loss Ratio is a particularly important feature of this game mode: the better you do, the higher your card levels will be going into War Day. The Win/Loss Ratio determines the level of your cards on Battle Day
Win/Loss Ratio - The more wins to losses you get, the better your clan will fare on Collection Day. Number of Players - The more Clan members actively participating in a Clan War, the better as you'll unlock more cards this way. Clan War League - The higher a league your clan is, the more cards you'll get in battle chests. Three factors determine the quality and amount of cards you'll unlock during collection day. We'll be posting a guide soon on best Sudden Death decks to use in these challenges. You just need to complete three to finish all your Collection Day goals. This means if you want to do all three as 2v2 battles you can or any other arrangement. NOTE: You can choose any of the three available game modes for your collection day battles. Collection Day Battle Mode 3: Sudden Death. Collection Day Battle Mode 2: Draft Mode. Collection Day Battle Mode 1: 2v2 Battle. The modes will change from Wars to War, but currently, these are the three battle modes you'll be using: Each attack you make on Collection Day will feature a particular gameplay mode. During the two-day Clan Wars event, each player will have four attacks to complete, three of which occur on Collection Day. The first day of a Clan War is all about collecting cards your team will end up using on Day 2: Battle Day. Clan Wars Collection Day involves three battles.